De svarer visst på all post, i Downing St. osv., så det er kanskje ikke så sikkert at de faktisk har spurt statsministeren osv., selv om de skriver det.
Det er nok bare noe de skriver.
Men de skrev svar i hvertfall.
Da tror jeg det beste er å bare å vente å se hva som skjer.
Vi får se.
Her er mer om dette:
Letters to the PM
The Prime Minister would not normally personally reply to a letter from a member of the public as he receives thousands of letters a week. However, the Office of the Prime Minister does reply to all mail. Letters to the PM are managed by The Direct Communication Unit. This is quite an apt title, to imagine that it may be possible to communicate directly with our prime minister is a feature of our democracy that needs to be preserved. I believe that letters to the PM are valued, they provide a link with the public and an opportunity to gather ideas. Whilst my letters, like other letters, are dealt with by the appropriate department or even departments, where necessary the department that replies to my letter- if necessary, will receive a reply from me, and my reply will not be published until I am sure that the person I am writing to (or department) has received my letter. Sometimes just responding to the letter may be made directly on this web site. The prime minister can also be emailed and it is possible to create and sign petitions on the Number Ten website, which is well worth a visit:
Sometimes my views are just made known to the government office eg. Home Office, otherwise a reply will published. A. Citizen intends to publish all of his correspondence to the PM on the website. Except any letters of a personal nature. Please note that I do not have the resources of the government to respond to letters, but my letters do receive a reply within a reasonable time frame. I need to apologise if I can not reply promptly.
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