Re: Complaint about Liverpool CAB
25 February 2008
Re: Complaint about Liverpool CAB
Erik Ribsskog
Thomas, Sue
25 February 2008 14:38
thank you very much for your e-mail!
It's no use for me to argue then I guess.
But when I think about what happened last year with the complaint, then I begin to wonder, because I
sent two e-mails to the Complaint Officer, and I sent two e-mails to the Chief Executive, but I didn't
recieve an answer to any of these four e-mails.
I recieved one automated reply from the Chief Executive.
But I suspect a bit that this automated reply could have been phoney.
Since the automated reply, was sent several days after the e-mail it was a reply to.
I'm going to forward you that e-mail again, so that you can see yourself what I mean.
If you want, then I can also forward the unanswered e-mails from the Comlaints Officer again.
I was wondering if you agree with me that I should have recieved proper answers on the four
e-mail I sent the Complaints Officer, and the Chief Executive, last year, regarding the complaint
in mention and the process surrounding it.
And I was wondering, if you don't think it was a bit strange with the automated reply, being
sent from your offices, several days after my e-mail, that it was an automated answer to.
And also, if it wasn't a bit strange that I sent two e-mails to the Complaints Officer, which
weren't answered, and I also didn't get a propler answer on the two e-mails I sent the
Chief Executive last year.
So I was wondering if you were agreeing with me, that these mentioned lack of answers
on e-mails, and delayed for days automated replies, shouldn't be investigated.
I think I could bring this up now, since the process is back with the Complaint Officer
and the Chief Executive again.
So I thought that I could use the oppertunity now, to bring this up.
Last year, then I got a reply/answer from the local CAB, right after the automated reply
from the Chief Executive, so it seemed to me, at the time, that these e-mails were linked
in someway, since I was very busy with work etc. at the time.
So I thought that the answer I (finally) recieved from the local CAB, had to do with the
automated message I got from the Chief Executive.
This because, since the automated reply, from the Chief Executive, wasn't sent, untill
days after the e-mail it was answering, then it seemed to me, I remember thinking, that a
person had sent the (automated) reply.
Since, normally, automated replies are sent right away.
I was a bit in a hury with work etc. at the time, so I didn't notice at first, that the e-mail
was an automated reply.
I thought it was a reply sent from a person, due to it taking days to be sent from you.
But now, I'm a aware of that the e-mail in mentioned, acctually claims to be an
automated reply.
And the process is back with you in Middleton House, then I thought it would maybe
be right time to bring this up.
And here if you had the chance to investigate this.
I'm sending a copy of the automated reply.
Thanks in advance for the help!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
On 2/25/08, Thomas, Sue <> wrote:
I understand your concern. However Saffron Follows is our only Complaints' Officer - her role in your complaint was limited to passing it to the bureau; and the review which is carried out under the oversight of the Chief Executive will look at how your complaint was handled by Citizens Advice as well as by the bureau.
Sue Thomas
Head of Advice Policy & Standards
Tel: 020 7833 7034 Mob: 07970 990425
-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 19 February 2008 00:30
To: Thomas, Sue
Subject: Fwd: Complaint about Liverpool CAB
I'm forwarding the e-mail I sent you on 14/2 again, since I'm also sending an
update in another e-mail.
Since it seems the same Complaint Officer is involved (see the other e-mail), even if I've complained
about the Complaints Officers involvement in the case from before.
Hope this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Feb 14, 2008 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: Complaint about Liverpool CAB
To: "Thomas, Sue" <>
thank you very much for your answer!
It sounds very good, that you'll have a look at the complaint.
I'm in a very busy periode at work at the moment, so I won't go into to detail about the problems there.
Except for two things that come to mind.
1. The e-mail address, that is on Liverpool Central CAB's website, is incorrect. (It's to do with the the ending,
after the dot, they have changed the provider of the e-mail addresses is seems, but they haven't updated the
2. The CAB representative lied in the complaint-answer.
He said that he had turned the lights on, at CAB. (I think it's very strange that the CAB let people in to their
premisses, without turning on the lights there first).
He said he had turned the lights on, at the beginning of the meeting.
But that's not right, he turned the lights on, close to the end of the meeting.
Eg. he read me the number to the law-firm, in the dark.
And it turned out he had read the law firms fax-number to me.
Which must have been because it was to dark to read properly there.
So this, the representative says, that he turned the lights on, before the meeting/at the beginning of the meeting,
isn't right at all.
More of half of the meeting was being held in the dark there, with a level of light, thats was like twilight, in the way
that it wasn't possible to read.
I had to put a folded I had picked up away, since it was to tirering to read it, due to the lights being switched off.
And also it seemed like it was some kind of plot.
With a young girl, maybe 12-13 y.o. standing outside the CAB, in the stairs, in an office-building, for no appearent
And then the lights being turned off in the CAB-premisses.
Me being the only person there, for about 5-10 minutes.
Then the representative, who seemed clear to me, to be homosexual, started having the meeting in the dark.
Close to the end of the meeting, the lights were turned on.
Then, the woman working there, with dark hair, and in her fifties, went into the reception.
She was just standing there, not doing any work.
Only scanning my face, when I left the CAB premisses, as to see, if I had reacted on the CAB representative
and/or the girl outside.
So it seemed a bit like being in a Clockwork Orange-esque movie, of some type.
But I'm going to have a closer look at the complaint, in two or three weeks time, when I'm finished with the
busy periode at work.
If you think that's alright.
Also, I was wondering, about Complaint Officer Saffron Follows.
This because, when the Liverpool Central CAB, last year, failed to answer the complaint, before the
time they had said they would answer the complaint.
Then I contacted Follows, on two occations, asking what was wrong, since the CAB, didn't answer me.
But Follows didn't reply back to me, at all.
So I was wondering then, if it's right that she should be involved, since I a bit question what went on
last year, when I contacted Follows on several occations, without being answered.
So I was wondering a bit what you were thinking about this.
I was wondeing if this wasn't maybe a couse for complaint.
And that Follows, due to this, already is involved, in the way, that she is the subject of a complaint,
that has to do with the file you have asked for from the Liverpool Central CAB.
I'm questioning a bit, if it's right that Follows should be involved now, when there have been problems,
that seems to be cause for a complaint, regarding Follow's involvment in this case, from before.
I'm not sure if you agree with me in this.
But I hope you understand what I mean, and that you have the time to have a look at this, and answer
me back regarding this.
Hope this is alright, and thanks in advance for the help!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
On 2/13/08, Thomas, Sue <> wrote:
All CABx use a standard complaints process. Initially, the manager is involved (Stage 1), then the Chair (Stage 2). After this if you are not happy with the outcome of the Chair's review, the next step is a review carried out under the direction of the Citizens Advice Chief Executive.
I believe that is the next stage on your complaint. Therefore Saffron Follows (Complaints' Officer) has asked Liverpool CAB for a copy of their file on your complaint and the file on the advice you were given. Once we have this we will be clear that our assumption on what next is correct.
What would help us would be for you to let us have a clear statement of why you are not satisfied with the Chair's response. This will give us the basis on which to look at the way your comlaint has been handled.
Sue Thomas
Head of Advice Policy & Standards
Tel: 020 7833 7034 Mob: 07970 990425
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Monday, 25 February 2008
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About Me

- Erik Ribsskog
- Overhørte på Rimi Bjørndal, (jeg jobbet som butikksjef/leder i ti år, i mange forskjellige butikker), i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av 'mafian', mm. Har etter dette ikke fått rettighetene mine, i mange saker. Blogger derfor om problemer med å få rettigheter, mm. Mine memoarer, (Min Bok 1-10), kan også finnes på johncons-blogg, (se: 'Etiketter'). Jeg blogger også om slektsforskning, (etter at min danskfødte mormor, som var etter adelige/kongelige, døde i 2009). Har også vært såvidt innom Høyre/Unge Høyre, i sin tid. Har også studert informasjonsbehandling/IT/Computing, (på NHI, HiO IU og University of Sunderland). Har også bakgrunn fra handel og kontor, (grunnkurs, økonomi med markedsføring og data). Er/var også i Heimevernet, (etter at jeg ble overført dit, etter førstegangstjeneste i infanteriet, (og en rep-øvelse i mob-hæren), i forbindelse med omorganiseringer, i Forsvaret, etter den kalde krigen). Blir også utsatt for mye nettmobbing, mm. johncons-blogg, (og mine memoarer og nettbutikk), er kjent fra TV-programmet Tweet4Tweet, i 2012, (selv om jeg måtte klage, for programmet var veldig useriøst/nedlatende, mm.).
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