Did Merseyside Police fail to help fireball murder victim Monika Szmecht?
Did police fail the fireball murder victim Monika Szmecht?
May 10 2008 by Michelle Fiddler, Liverpool Echo
AN INVESTIGATION was underway today to see if a Polish waitress stabbed and torched by her abusive boyfriend was given enough police protection.
Monika Szmecht was imprisoned in a van and then driven to a remote country lane, where she was doused in petrol and set alight last June.
Ex-soldier Anthony Clarke was jailed for life after being convicted of her murder last week.
The Independent Police Complaints Commission is now investigating the way Merseyside Police dealt with domestic violence allegations prior to her horrific death.
Officers from Merseyside police were in contact with Ms Szmecht and she expressed concern about Clarke’s behaviour in the days leading up to her murder.
During Clarke’s trial, Liverpool crown court heard the 27-year-old lashed out at his ex-lover days before her death after discovering texts from another man.
He also threatened to burn down her house – forcing her to secretly move.
Weeks before she died, Ms Szmecht told police she had been assaulted by Clarke.
She ended up with bruises and a fractured bone in her hand and was due to make a statement against him.
Clarke claimed in his defence he met up with Miss Szmecht on the day she died in order to hand over £1,000 in return for her not making the statement.
During the trial, his sister Shareen Clarke told the jury she, in fact, attacked the Polish waitress.
On the day of her death, Clarke bundled Ms Szmecht, who at the time was living in Wellesbourne Place, Norris Green, into his van, where he kept her imprisoned for four hours.
He then took her to an isolated country lane in Rainford and stabbed her six times.
When she struggled to her feet Clarke, a divorced dad-of-three, doused her in petrol and set her alight.
Merseyside police referred concerns regarding the way they dealt with Ms Szmecht and handled her allegations of domestic violence at the hands of Clarke to the IPCC on December 11 last year.
IPCC Commissioner for the North West Mike Franklin decided an independent investigation was needed.
The watchdog could not launch the investigation until criminal proceedings against Clarke were completed.
Mr Franklin said: “This was a horrifically brutal murder and my condolences go out to Ms Szmecht’s family and friends.
“It is known that Merseyside police had been in contact with Ms Szmecht and she had raised concerns about Mr Clarke’s behaviour towards her in the days leading up to her murder.
“Our investigation will examine whether officers observed the correct policies and procedures and whether Ms Szmecht was afforded sufficient protection.”
A Merseyside police spokesman said: “We can confirm the force has looked into the police response to issues of domestic violence in the case of Monika Szmecht.
“The matter was voluntarily referred to the IPCC and we support their decision to carry out an independent enquiry.”
michellefiddler@liverpoolecho.co.uk0151 472 2529http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/liverpool-news/local-news/2008/05/10/did-police-fail-the-fireball-murder-victim-monika-szmecht-100252-20889166/
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